When you add a good amount of Authenticity and mix that in a dollop of your story, the final product is Powerful Personal Branding. This is the recipe that will make a compelling Personal Brand emergence for any Leader out there who wants to build an executive presence & authority in his or her industry. This isn’t about some cutting-edge strategy. There has to be a good strategy but more of the human element in you, just waiting to be woven into the most effective narrative.
So grab some coffee, sit back & read!
Let’s take a look at Indra Nooyi’s story: The former CEO of PepsiCo
- Authenticity: Nooyi was often described as genuine. She challenged gender stereotypes and openly spoke about her challenges and struggles. That connected with her audience on a human level.
- Storytelling: Nooyi used a lot of anecdotes to explain certain complex business strategies. She was very relatable when she openly expressed her guilt as a mother. This way she inspired several women who could connect with her and got inspired to want to be like her which is the result of personal branding on social media. She championed a lot of innovation & change in diversity.
- Authenticity meets storytelling
This is where your Personal Brand is born. Authenticity includes some of your vulnerabilities. What worries you, yet you then take a decision to let your vulnerability become your strength or you work with the other strengths you have. Personal branding on social media is an effective way to reach out to people not only as a mere product or a service but also as an individual personality.
What makes us wonderfully human are our imperfections & flaws. If your truth can be weaved into a story of how you managed to overcome some challenges or setbacks, it would engage, resonate with many, and inspire them. That’s how genuine connections are formed and trust is built over a period of time.
- Genuine narratives
Honestly, nobody cares about your story. But if people connect with the emotion in your story that’s what connects. Therefore it has to be a genuine story. It could be something tiny however if there is a reliability factor your story will land. The point I am trying to make is that you don’t have to fake a story to create.
- 3 parts of the Story
Each of us has enough anecdotes to pull out of our lives however the story should have 3 parts.
- Origin – basics of how you started
- Defining Moment – Turning Point
- Transformation – one decision/course of action that changed your trajectory
P.S – I have borrowed this brilliant idea of 3 part story from Chris Do
- Strategies for Developing Authentic Stories
Developing authentic stories starts with a lot of questions you need to ask yourself. Identify moments that were that turning point. Something that caused a “shift”. Write down what transformations you experienced, What you learned, and how they align with your “now” core values and beliefs. Bring the human element alive. Everybody loves an underdog.
I remember a close friend of mine said “ You always love an underdog story”. To which I replied “ That’s because I am an underdog myself”
5 steps to Building Your Authentic Leadership Brand
- What makes you different
Identify what makes you different. Who are you? Not just a “Job Title”. What are your passions, and values? What makes you unique? What funny quirks do you have? These elements form the foundation of your Brand and personal branding on social media, guiding how you communicate your story and engage with your audience.
- Be consistent in your message & actions
When you are consistent in your story, you will consistently deliver the same message. Notice & observe that famous influencers always have a consistent story. It never gets old & therefore you trust the person so much more than someone who has one story after another. You could have multiple stories but it must all lead up to the same message & core value that you stand for.
- Your stories should communicate your brand value
Your story should highlight your challenges & frustrations to be able to lead up to how it was instrumental in building your brand. How it shaped you and hence you resonate with it so deeply. We can either choose to feel like a victim or truly transform because of the tough experiences. That will inspire several others and that story becomes your powerful backstory.
- Keep it simple
It does not have to always be some tragedy. Any defining moment that made you start taking action and make some changes that resulted in the person that you are today. Keep it simple, keep it real. Does not have to be sensational yet if it aligns with your brand message, it will connect with many others if the emotion is right.
- Pick the right social media platform
Digital spaces are getting overcrowded. There is too much noise and the ability to navigate your story through all the clutter will require some strategy. While it’s an excellent medium to express your creativity, one should pick and choose an appropriate platform where you will find your audience. It’s very important to know what your Brand message is. Get it right from the beginning and let it come from a genuine experience.
So what’s your story.. Identify one authentic element from your life and what value can it add to someone else. Consider how you can share it with your audience this week. Let authenticity and storytelling be the simple recipe of your leadership narrative.